Resumes and CVs going social

Posted on January 30, 2013


There is more and more talk about social resumes. That doesn’t just mean LinkedIn. It can mean sites like and – or even the more skilled among you taking a personal blog to the next level. (You know who you are.)

But there is one thing that trumps all that.  Now hiring - big time

How about the web product manager who created an Amazon product page  – about himself.

Apparently the whole thing “went viral”. I don’t honestly know if he’s landed a job.

But I once witnessed an example first hand. We’d had an editorial intern. He’d been great for the month or so he was with one of our teams and there was a timely job opening for a reporter. But given we operated the whole intern thing by the book, we still went to market advertising the post.

He got the job. It was in the main because he was the best candidate, partly because he’d already proved he was good and also because his application was in the form of a press release launching John Jones 2.0. (John Jones isn’t his name – some of you will know the person I’m referring to.)

I wish I could show the application now. It’s not unique. And there are plenty of jobs out there where an applicant trying something like this won’t get in the door.

But in crowded fields, in a still-weak economy, showing your ability as well as talking about your ability has got to be worth a try.

photo credit: Zach Klein via photopin cc

Follow Tony on Twitter – @tphallett

Posted in: Work